Get to know Redmenta's Creative board task type! Here we have summarized everything you need to know about editing this task.
When solving a Creative board students can use the camera of their mobile phone or their alredy existing photos (or photos from the free library) to easily create montages, concept maps, mind maps etc. But students can also draw, for example, a water molecule or the structure of a joint, and add text to their illustrations. In addition to images, text and drawings, the student can insert GIFs and shapes and choose different colours for their drawings.Editing the task is extremely simple:
- enter the instruction,
- sace the task,
- and set the score.
It is important that this task type is not evaluated automatically by the system (as it does not have a pre-defined solution), so the final result must be determined manually in the Results menu for each student. Read about reviewing and evaluating tasks, here.