Get to know Redmenta's File Upload task type! Here we have summarized everything you need to know about editing this task.
With the file upload task type, you can collect students' work as an attachable file. The file type can be anything you like, but you can also specify whether you want a picture, video, text document or audio file from the completers.
This type of task is extremely easy to edit. First, provide the instructions for the task and then select the file type that you want the students to upload. As a last step, save the task and then set the score.
It is important to note that uploaded files are not checked by the system, so take special care when downloading and opening them! You should only accept files from people you know and trust. Be sure to evaluate and approve this task everytime. This type of task is not automatically corrected by the system, so you have to check and correct it for each student manually. Read about over-scoring and correction of tasks here.