Get to know Redmenta's Sets task type! Here we have summarized everything you need to know about editing this task.
To edit sets, first enter the instruction, then create the first set with all its related cards (a card can be a text or an image). Before moving on to edit the next set, don't forget to enter the name of the first set! It is important not to left this field empty.
If you have named the first set and assigned all the cards belonging to it, switch to the next set (+Add) and go through the same steps. A total of four sets can be created. If there is a card within the sets that you have not written anything on and it is not needed, delete it, otherwise required fields will not be filled in and you will not be able to save the task.
It is important to note that the set must always be named and, if you wish, you can illustrate it with a picture (to do this, click on the camera icon for the set and upload a picture that illustrates the category). When you are done editing, save the assignment and give it a score.
Upon completion, the completer should categorise all the cards created, which will appear in random order.