Get to know Redmenta's Single Choice task type! Here we have summarized everything you need to know about editing this task.
When editing, provide the instructions, the answer options and, if necessary, upload attachments and write an explanation of the answer.
It is important that two bars automatically appear when you enter the answer options, but it is of course possible to enter more than two options. In this case, you can increase the number of fields and enter additional answers by clicking on the plus sign below the last field. For this type of task, the answer can also be a formula, by switching to the formula editor.
You can also choose whether the answer choices you enter should appear in the order you set up when editing or in random order when completing. By default, the answers are displayed randomly. You can change this to a fixed order by clicking on the checkbox below the answers.
Once you are finished with these steps, select the correct answer from the options provided so that automatic correction can be made.
When you are done, save the task and finally go to the scoring settings and set the score for the correct answer.