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  2. Redmenta Subscription

How can I order Redmenta Plus via the website?

Are you interested in subscribing to Redmenta Plus? Choose the package that suits you best with just a few clicks!

You can access the subscriber page in the Prices menu. If you click on the Prices menu, the page will load the annual subscription fees for educational purposes. 

If you are considering a monthly subscription, click on the slider:

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And if you need a business subscription, switch from Educational institutions to Businesses:

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Redmenta packages for educational purposes: 

Redmenta packages for business use:

If you want to order one of the subscription packages, select the appropriate one and click on the Start trial button. On the ordering interface, you can still switch between the monthly-annual and school-business options, and here you can specify exactly how many people are included in the subscription package too. The great advantage of the ordering page is that the page makes a preliminary calculation based on the set parameters, so you can assess the various options and the related prices yourself before placing the order.

If you have entered all the important information related to the subscription, select the payment method. If you would like to pay by bank transfer, contact us on Redmenta Chat (in the right lower corner) or by e-mail at sales@redmenta.com and our colleagues will prepare the proforma invoice for the transfer within 24 hours. If you opt for an online purchase, simply click on the Next button and enter your billing and card details. If you have filled in all the required fields, click the Start Trial button to finalize the order. For bank card orders, the trial period is 5 days, after which the amount will be deducted from the specified bank card, if you do not cancel the subscription by that time. If you change your mind and do not need the Redmenta Plus, cancel the subscription during the trial period. You can do so on the Edit Profile page without any obligation (access the Profile page from drop-down menu in the upper right corner).