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  2. Worksheet Sharing and Filling Settings

How can I share a worksheet with a group?

Want to share worksheets with your groups but don't know how to get started? We've got all the useful information you need here!

To share with groups, choose a sharing level that suits you best. To do so, click on the Share page of the worksheet (there is a button at the bottom of each worksheet card on the Desktop, click on it and select the appropriate page from the list).

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If you are already on the Share page and you have selected a sharing level, you will see the interface. This is where you will be able to add groups, for which you can also set separate completion parameters (e.g. if class A writes an exam at 8am and class B at 10am, you can set different start dates and/or times for the groups to complete. To do this, click on the gear icon next to the group).

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It is important to note that you can only set the Fill settings for groups separately if you select the Only certain people sharing level. In other cases, it is not possible because the wide visibility makes it impossible to guarantee that members of the group will not access the worksheet by other means, with other filling settings. 

You can only add groups here if you created the group or if it is a group that you are (also) the leader of. If you share a worksheet with a group, the student will find it on the Desktop or within the group (accessable through the Groups menu in the header). 

You can also share your worksheet in Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or share it using a QR code.