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  2. Public Worksheets and the Catalogue

How does recommending a worksheet to the Library work?

Share your worksheets in the Library or save time and copy ready-to-use worksheets! In this short summary, you can find out how!

You can recommend a self-edited worksheet to the Library by clicking on the Post to public library button in the Settings menu of the worksheet. To put a worksheet in the Library, enter the subject, grade, and assignment type, then click the Save button.

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To ensure transparency in the Library, please verify that the worksheet's title, description, and labels provide informative content for others before uploading it (you can also add a note to the worksheet uploaded to the Library so that you can provide even more information).

Sharing terms:

  • the worksheet should include relevant exercises related to the subject,
  • do not contain vulgar terms,
  • and unintelligible exercises.

How can I delete or edit a recommended worksheet in the Library?

You can always remove the worksheets you recommended to the Library, and you can also modify the information you provided when you published them (e.g. note, year, type, etc).

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To do so, go to the worksheet's Settings menu and, as shown in the image above, click on the Remove button to remove it from the Library and on the Review publication button to modify it.

In the latter case, you will see a preview of the worksheet, which you can further edit by clicking on the Open the Editor button, and you can rewrite the note and modify the categories by clicking on the Edit publication button.

In the window that appears, you can edit the note, but you can also edit the categories when editing the publication by clicking on the Categories tab at the top left, as shown in the image: 

Névtelen terv (60)Use the Save button to finalise your changes.