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  2. Redmenta Subscription

How much does Redmenta Plus cost?

Get informed about the prices of Redmenta Plus subscription packages! Here we have collected all important information and links for you.

The Redmenta Plus subscription is available in different packages and for different periods, which factors also affect the price. From the list below, you can find out what aspects the subscription price depends on:

  • type of subscription (annual or monthly),
  • type of use (school or business),
  • the number of members in the subscription.

You can find out more about the prices on the links below:

It is important that we work with different prices for business subscribers. Here you can reach the customer page of the business subscription, where you can make preliminary calculations by clicking the Start trial button:

If you need a quote, write to sales@redmenta.com. In your letter, address the type of subscription (monthly or annual), the type of use (business or school) and the exact number of instructors/pedagogues included in the subscription!

For more information click the link here: