If you haven't created a Redmenta worksheet yet, it's time to create your first one! How? Here we've summarised all the important details you need to know to get started.
Go to the Desktop menu and click on the Create button at the top of the page. Then select Worksheet and you will be automatically taken to the worksheet editor.
As a first step, enter the title and description of the worksheet. The description is optional, but here you can provide your students with useful information on how to complete it (e.g. This worksheet will have a video recording task! Make sure you can use a webcam when completing) This description can be read by the students before they start working on the tasks.
Once you have the title and description, select the worksheet element you are going to edit. On Redmenta, worksheet items are divided into two groups. There are the task elements and the storytelling elements. The second are used to convey information, so they do not have a specific task (e.g. a picture, a video, a PDF file, a Canva presentation, etc.). With these elements, you can create a worksheet not only for assessment, but also for the delivery of learning material, or you can even combine them.
What you can also edit here is the Evaluation setting, which allows you to specify the percentage of results that will be graded accordingly to your settings. Here you can also chose from four different types of learning modes: Self-Learning mode, Assisted Learning mode, Gamified Challenge and the Assesment mode.
More information on editing the elements of the worksheet is available here:
Editing task elements: https://help.redmenta.com/en/tutorial/available-task-types
Editing storytelling elements: https://help.redmenta.com/en/tutorial/available-storytelling-elements