For personalised guidance and relevant news about the latest Redmenta features, be sure to fill in the Profile page!
The data submitted to Redmenta can be divided into two categories. One category contains the data provided at registration to identify the user (name, email address, password). The other category contains the data that helps to identify the user's persona. These data can be entered on the Edit Profile page (, at your personal convenience, whenever you wish.
Here you can indicate whether you use Redmenta for learning or teaching.
- For students, we only ask for the year of birth and the type of education.
- However, as a teacher, you can also enter additional information (e.g. name of the institution, institution ID, maintainer's name, subjects taught, grade taught).
This data is essential for AI assistants to understand what content they should generate for you. Based on this data, we will provide you with personalised guidance and news on how to use Redmenta and inform you about upcoming features. If you're interested in the latest Redmenta updates, fill in the fields - that you can see above - on the Edit Profile page!