What is an instructor approval? How does worksheet checking work?

Your result will be finalized by the instructor's approval. If you would like to read in detail about this filling status, we have summarized everything you need to know here!

Instructor approval is a status set by the teacher, indicating that the solutions have been checked and approved. Prior to approval, the supervising teacher can over-score the auto-evaluation. 

Instructor approval is especially relevant if the worksheet contains a task type that the system cannot automatically assess. Examples of such task types are Video recording, Essay, and Creative board, which are automatically scored with zero points by the machine. This is because these open-ended task types do not have a predefined solution key that the system uses to score them. For these tasks, all solutions are different, so you have to wait for the teacher to evaluate them. 

You can also be given extra points if you have a correct solution that is not included in the solution key; the auto-correction will not accept it and will not give you any points.

Since auto-correction corrects character by character, if you write without accents or do not use capital letters, the system may zero out the correct solution. It's worth paying attention to these, but if you do make such a mistake, the teacher can still over-score it when checking your solutions.