What is the Gamified challenge worksheet mode?

In addition to the classic assessment approach, you can also choose the Gamified challenge mode. Here's everything you need to know about this worksheet mode!

In addition to the classic assessment approach, you can also choose the Gamified challenge mode. You can select this worksheet mode in the worksheet's editing interface by clicking on the Evaluation settings button on top. 

But what is the Gamified challenge worksheet mode? The Gamified challenge worksheet mode creates a real competitive situation, turning the task into an exciting activity. In this mode, the teacher can pre-set the number of lives the student has and in such a case, each wrong answer costs -1 life. What's even more exciting is that the student can only move on to the next page if they solve all tasks correctly (so, for example, if a single-choice question has four possible answers and the student only selects the correct answer for the fourth time, that means -3 lives for a single task), and when the lives run out, the worksheet automatically closes. This worksheet mode is excellent for a fun practice or testing/comparing students' knowledge on a given topic.

In this worksheet mode: 

  • the teacher sets the number of lives the student has, i.e. the number of times they can mark an incorrect solution before the system automatically closes the completion (if not set, students have 5 lives by default), 
  • the number of lives is marked in the top upper right corner while the student is completing, so that the student can keep track of how many lives they have left, 
  • tasks are mandatory to be checked by the student in the panel below the tasks, and if the solution is incorrect, it means -1 life, 
  • the student must complete all tasks, and can only move on to the next page of the worksheet if they have answered all tasks correctly (i.e. they must keep trying until they have found the correct answer for every task), 
  • the teacher can see how many lives the student has left after completion (if they have not used them all),
  • this worksheet mode is suitable for playful practice and to compare knowledge in a certain topic. 

See how this worksheet mode works in practice and complete this demo: https://redmenta.com/gamified_challenge