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Where can I choose or change my profile picture?

Make your account more personal. Upload a profile picture!

Go to the Edit profile page, if you would like to make your account more personal, and upload a profile picture! To access the profile page, click on the button in the upper right corner, then select the Edit profile menu from the drop-down menu. (If you can't find it, you can also reach the page by clicking on this link: https://redmenta.com/en/user).

On the profile page, you will find a namecard that contains the most important data you have provided. Here, by clicking on the circle next to your name, you can also upload a profile picture.

After clicking on the circle, a window will appear, where you have to click on the circle again. This gives you the opportunity to select and upload your profile picture from your own device.

Képernyőkép 2023-03-28 115428

Once you have the image, set the appropriate magnification and placement, then click the Upload button. If you wish, delete the profile picture in the same place, by clicking on the Delete current picture button.