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  2. Redmenta Subscription

Why should you choose the subscription over the free version? What additional services do Redmenta subscriptions offer?

Get to know all the benefits and upgrade your account with more storage space and other functions available only with Redmenta subscriptions!

With Redmenta subscriptions, say goodbye to storage issues when creating worksheets. Experience the convenience of having more storage space, along with a range of other exceptional functions.

1. Invitation to be an editor:
Inviting instructor as editors or supervisors for smooth teamwork

2. Download results in PDF:
Printing and downloading completed worksheets in PDF format

3. Deactivating advertisements:
Ad-free user experience.

4. Detailed Excel export:
Exporting results and easy evaluation in Excel

5. Archiving results:
Archieving of completed worksheets, easier view for new fill ins. 

For more information on Redmenta Subscriptions, click the link below: 
