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  2. Edit a Worksheet Element

What is a public task?

Create your own tasks and choose from the public tasks for a truly diverse and high quality worksheet! If you've never heard of public tasks, you can find out all the benefits here.

Public tasks are created by registered Redmenta users and are free to use, search, copy and edit.

Where can you find public tasks? You can search for previously created tasks at the bottom of the worksheet editor, whether they are your own or public tasks. You can copy these tasks into the worksheet you are editing and modify them if you wish. 

Add or edit titles here (4)

It is important that all new tasks that you edit are public by defult, which you can change when you edit the task. To make them private, click on the Private task button.

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Since tasks are public by default, unless you change them, the tasks you create will automatically be added to the public task library. From here, anyone can copy and use the tasks you have created.

To help Redmenta users find the content they need, always tag the task you are editing! Tagging contributes greatly to the searchability of the task, which is a huge advantage not only for public tasks, but also for private tasks. This way you don't have to browse through the tasks, but can launch a guided search with the appropriate keywords you have set for the task yourself. To make keyword searches work well, always make sure you've entered relevant tags! Read more about tagging here.

And if you're interested in how to copy existing tasks into the currently edited worksheet, whether they're private or public, click here.