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What is an AI token?

Want to use the power of AI on Redmenta? Find out what AI tokens are for!

Generally speaking, a token is a money substitute. You can find it in many places, such as when playing board games, in clubs, but it is also becoming increasingly common in the digital world.

At Redmenta, AI tokens were introduced alongside AI features and task types. As there are costs associated with using AI, Redmenta also has to pay for these features, which are included in a special Redmenta subscription. Although AI tokens are also provided for the basic Redmenta Plus packages, they are primarily sufficient for trial purposes.  However, with the paid AI add-on, we credit 500 monthly tokens, enough for daily active use.

What are 500 AI tokens enough for? 

With an AI subscription, 500 AI tokens are credited monthly, meaning each month starts with 500 AI tokens.

The 500 tokens are enough to create 50 ten-task worksheets generated with AI, where each task is worth 1 token. In other words, each AI-generated task will deduct 1 token. As you can see in this image: 

Title (8)

In addition, the AI Chat tasks will also cost tokens. Solutions started by each student are minus 1 token, i.e., each such completion will result in a deduction of 1 token. Thus, 500 tokens is enough for 500 solved chat task types.

If you create an AI template worksheet, you'll have to write prompts. In this case each generated prompt will deduct 1 token. 

In conclusion: 

  • each AI generated task costs 1 token,
  • each solution for the AI Chat task type costs 1 token,
  • each prompt in an AI template costs 1 token. 

Unfortunately, if you run out of tokens in a given month, you cannot buy more tokens for now. In this case, you'll need to wait for the 500 tokens to be refilled the following month or write to support@redmenta.com.

It is important to note that the AI subscription is an add-on to Redmenta Plus, i.e. it costs more than a basic package!

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