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  2. Worksheet Sharing and Filling Settings

What are the different sharing levels of a worksheet, and which one should I use? 

Wondering how to share your worksheets with your students? Read this short guide that summarizes all the sharing levels of Redmenta in one place.

On Redmenta, you can choose from four sharing levels (Private, Only certain people, All Redmenta users, Anyone on the Internet). You can find these sharing levels on the Share page of the worksheet.

By default, the worksheet is private, i.e. only you or those you assign as collaborators to the worksheet can see it. You should select this feature (Private) if you are still working on the worksheet or if everyone has already completed it and you want to revoke its  visibility.

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If you only want to share the worksheet with certain people, select the Only certain people sharing level. With this setting, only the people and groups you add will be able to access and submit the workheet. You can share content with a group, or you can assign students individually. Here you also can set individual fill settings for each group and for those you individually share the worksheet with.

You can also set separate completion settings for different groups (e.g. if class A writes an essay at 8am and class B at 10am, you can set different time (and or date) for each group, by clicking on the gear icon next to the group. You can only set these parameters when the sharing level is set to Only certain people!

This is not the case for individuals, where the same fill settings apply to each member assigned. In other words, you cannot set the fill settings for individuals one by one. For users assigned in this way, the same fill settings will apply. 

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In case you share your worksheet with All Redmenta users, the worksheet will be added to the public worksheets library too, where anyone can search and submit it. You can change this setting so that everyone can access it, but only with the Jumper Code (to make the worksheet accessible only with the Jumper Code, use the slider to switch from Publicly searchable to With Jumper Code only). This sharing level is a perfect setting if you don't want to specify the groups and people one by one.

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It is important to note that with this setting, no users will see the content on the Desktop unless you add them specifically (as is the case with the Only certain people setting). In this case, you can only search the worksheet in the public worksheet library (search bar in the header) or by using the Jumper Code.

You can also share the worsheet outside Redmenta in your Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or using a QR code.

With the Anyone on the Internet option, the worksheet will be accessible by anyone and can be filled in without registrating on Redmenta. It is important to note that here you cannot limit the number of completions (anyone can fill at any time and any number of times).

When an unregistered user wants to fill in a worksheet they will have to enter their own name before starting to complete. They will be identified by this name at the end.

It is important to note that all completers must accept Redmenta's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy in order to begin. With this setting option, the worksheet will not appear on the Desktop (unless someone is assigned by name/group), so it will be accessable only via the search bar in the header, or by entering the Jumper Code in the Jumper menu (in the header). 

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In addition, you can also share the worksheet with your colleagues so that they can edit it (Collaborator) or review the results of completions (Observer). To do this, you need to add your colleagues to the share, or in the Add Collaborators field. In this second case, the colleagues assigned to the worksheet will have access to it even if you keep its visibility private. It is important to note that this feature can only be used by Redmenta Plus users, i.e. only subscribers can share with Collaborator or Observer permissions (in the free version, you can only share worksheets for completion). 

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Those who have Observer access are allowed to view the results of the completed worksheet, and those who have Collaborator access are allowed to edit the worksheet and view the results as well. The role of the user can be selected from the drop-down list next to the name of the user added.